BC Bears BC persons with Aides Dr. Peters Center Loving Spoonful Aids Vancouver Gay Way Aboriginal HIV/Aids Society Youth-co X-tra News paper Lsisters Priape Leather + Videos Pumpjack Pub The Fountainhead Pub The Odesssy Nightclub Celebrities Nightclub The Lick Club Flygirl Productions (Womens Promotions) The Oasis (Restaurnt) Vancouver Pride Knights of Malta (Volunteer Group) Cutting Edges (Hockey) Gay Vancouver (Publication) Square Across The Boarder The Fun Club (Outdoor Volleyball) Vancouver Front Runners www.vgva.com (Gay Volley Ball) VTA Tennis West-End Slow Pitch Association Outdoor Women (Hicking, Swimming and Camping Triangle Recreation Camp – (Gay/Lesbian Campsite) Rogues Rugby Pacific Rim Yacht Club (Gay boating Pacific Rim Curling League Out and About (Mens Hiking, Biking and Camping) The Mabel League – (Softball for women, lbt) English Bay Swin Club Border Riders (Gay motorcycle touring) Gay Whistler (Gay Skiing) Top Drawer (Underwear) Dining Out for Life ( Fundraising) Gay Cruising with Gay.com Gay Cruising with Suirt.org Cruisey T (Boat Cruises)